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  • Writer's pictureLindsey Palmer

New here? Me too!

I have never officially "blogged" before. So here is yet another vulnerable platform to put myself out there. In starting my own business I took a couple leaps. As scary as it was it's proven to be the right choice. I'm really glad I chose to blossom instead of letting fear stop me from achieving what I really wanted. I'm really proud to be surrounded by strong business women and men everyday in my chair. I feel like my industry has the ability to reach a lot of people in many different ways. My hope is to continue to uplift and encourage whoever sits in my chair. I will be writing about everything in my world from hair care, parenting, life and much more. If there is topics you would love to hear about please comment below. This blog isn't just for's more importantly for you. :)

Stay Tune,


Be free. Be vulnerable. Blossom

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